I was thinking today that it's been years since I have been dealing with this stuff! It was so life changing and I felt like I needed to give an update!
So, yes, three years ago I was blackened and barely able to move my newly modeled face.
A lot has happened since!
Well, I went on a Europe trip with fellow classmates in March 2008 and I graduated high school in June of 2008 - then spent that summer working and enjoying myself! I also did an international exchange in Belgium!
My braces were taken off on July 17, 2008! Almost exactly six months after the surgery!
This was that day:
I was more than excited! Of course, there was a little fear and I would miss Dr. Jackman... but so much work had gone into the process. 44 months of braces. Jaw surgery. Thousands and thousands of dollars. And, many advil! Plus, I wanted to see the results!
I went to the dentist for a cleaning that day and they let me see my teeth before all of this started. I had to take a picture. The transformation was unbelievable. This was me seven years ago. This is the reason I didn't smile.

This was me exactly one year after my surgery, January 2009. I was just starting the second semester of my first year of university. Scary new world with a wonderful new face!

And three years post op! January 2011

And, here I am right now! Added a little profile shot if you wanted to sift through to the older entries...
On the right was me 1111 days ago! (January 24, 2008)
The left is the before operation shot.
And tonight... 1111 days later! (1119 days post op!)

So, it's been over a thousand days and a lot has changed. I am nearly done my third year of a Bachelor of Science degree at Dalhousie University! I spent the last few summers back in Goose Bay and had the opportunity to work at the best summer job ever! I met so many great people and even managed to make some new best friends (shout out to my roomie!) ... as well as saying goodbye to others. I have my very first apartment and I have navigated my way from small-town Goose Bay to living life in Halifax.
When I last saw my orthodonist, he said that I probably wouldn't have done many of the successful things in my life if it weren't for my orthodontic work. At first... I thought he was crazy. After some thought - he was right. I mean, I am sure that I would have found success in other ways... but a smile goes soooo far!
Hopefully another post before another 1119 days pass...
Take care.