Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bidding farewell to my bone structure

This is kind of cool to me. In twelve hours, I will be about to "go under the knife." In about fifteen hours, I will have a completely different face. Beyond all of the swelling and bruising, I am going to look completely different. I guess the the only thing that I can do is embrace this idea... because I doubt that any doctor would do the reverse procedure on me, just because I am not completely satisfied. I am not worried about what everyone else is going to think, but only what I am going to think. Anyone's face is like... the method of expression, and that's a big thing. Let's just hope that I have no resemblance to any ungodly creature.

Oh wow.

I am pretty interested in the anaesthetic aspect of it all. I don't know how I am going to react, but I imagine that it's going to be pretty freaky to have to countdown from ten, and then find myself in the recovery room once I get to nine. I hope that I don't go ballistic and do back-flips in confusion. I can't imagine how my mom is going to take it.

My dad is coming in too... which is good for many reasons. Well, of course, I get to see him, AND he can bring our bags of shopping back home with him on his flight. It's all perfect, but sadly... my bank account cannot agree. It's okay to shower myself with gifts, right?

Wish me luck...
and I will communicate (I was going to say "talk") as soon as I can.

-CHELSEA, the one from January 15th, 2008


Anonymous said...

Chelsea!!! I hope everything goes alright, and good luck! Just in case I am not talking to you tomorrow, through texting, of course.

Oh, one thing! Be prepared to be showered with flowers and new teddy bears, which will probably happen because apparently its a given once someone gets surgery.

Well, I hope all goes well, love you! And I can't wait to see your new bone structure.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss you my hot french east indian girlfriend! :)

Unknown said...

Hey there Chel-C #4-D
Well, today was the day(I think! ha ha), and I'm assuming that you are probably out of surgury! You wont get this for a while but I'm sure you'l be fine! Come on, I wouldn't pick som wimp to shoot my sighters now would I? ha ha. I Miss you so much. I never get to see you anywhere anymore. It is sad. Its like the end of an era! It cuts my heart deeply! Love you xoxo!